We are God’s Masterpiece

What if we saw ourselves as a cathedral? What if we were in awe of the person God created us to be? What if we saw ourselves as unique and unrepeatable?

“The person is unique and unrepeatable, someone chosen by eternal Love.” Saint John Paul II

I don't know about you, but it's easier for me to see others as beautiful rather than myself. I see God's image in my husband and my children. But when I look at myself, it's easier to see my flaws or what I wish was different, rather than viewing myself as a masterpiece.

So that's my goal. I want to see myself the way God sees me. Because how can I really be the wife, mother, friend (fill in the blank) God is inviting me to be if I don't first see myself as

a Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19)

a Masterpiece (Eph 2:10)

a Cathedral.

A cathedral is a masterpiece. It takes years to build. Brick by brick. It is a dwelling place of the Creator of the Universe. And upon seeing a cathedral our hearts and minds are lifted heavenward as we contemplate our true home.

Imagine what would happen if we saw ourselves as beautiful! How much more could we share God's love if we were aware of our dignity as daughters of God?

Do you see yourself as a cathedral? If not, you're not alone. Our journey starts by inviting the Holy Spirit in. Thanks for being on this journey with me!


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