Let me introduce myself!

I’m a wife, mother, and Certified Catholic Mindset Coach!

By naming my strengths and accepting all parts of myself, I have learned how to live in the moment, irrespective of my emotional state. Additionally, I've developed techniques to recognize negative thoughts that impede my progress towards my objectives, and to reframe them so that I can confront challenges and accomplish my goals. My passion is to help mothers discover happiness and peace in their daily life.

Do you feel exhausted and guilty because you think, “I am not doing enough for my family?”

I’ve been there and found joy and learned, “It’s actually not up to me!” I can teach you how to get there.

I used to try to “do it all.” I thought my kids behavior was a reflection on my parenting. I kept beating myself up for thinking, “I can’t control their behavior". I was feeling more and more anxious and frustrated in the daily tasks of being a wife and mother.

And then things shifted. I found freedom in knowing “It’s not all up to me!” and instead of trying to control my children’s behavior I saw my role as forming their hearts and helping them see the love of God in the moment.

In this letting go I have found peace and freedom to live daily life with joy and surrender. I can help you get there too!

You’re Invited! Join me on the journey!

Personalized One-On-One Coaching

I use a parts and strengths approach to assist mothers in recognizing the desires God has instilled in their hearts, as well as equipping them with useful tools to uncover any emotions and thoughts that may hinder their progress.

Through coaching I support mothers in creating a plan to achieve their aspirations with a sense of peace and freedom.

If you're looking to live each day from a place of abundance, I'm here to help. Reach out to me today and let's explore how walking together through one-on-one coaching can help you gain valuable skills and transform your life!

Check out these upcoming FREE workshops to learn skills to bring peace and freedom to your home and family!