Letter to a Mom with a sick child

My dear friend,

I see you.

Your day started early before it was light. You didn’t get your usual time alone this morning because your child needed you right away.

You’ve been looking at the clock all day-wondering how a day can go so slow. Of course you’re tired from getting up several times last night to help your child go back to sleep amidst the coughing and doses of Tylenol.

You spent naptime frantically doing a few things you needed to do. Shower? That’ll be the first goal for tomorrow.

I can hear the thoughts going through your mind.

“Will this ever end?”

“I almost can’t remember what it was like when we were all healthy.”

“Why doesn’t Jesus hear my prayers?”

“How can I keep giving out of my emptiness?”

As my friend Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity says, “Take your crucifix. Look and listen.”

All your efforts are seen. All your thoughts are heard. All your emotions are felt. By Jesus. He is right there with you. Holding you as you hold your child.

I know in the moment this seems so hard and never-ending. I pray that Jesus shows you a glimmer of sweetness in this cross. And if that seems like too much to ask: as you look at your crucifix, look at your child’s face. And know that you are seen. You are heard. You are loved.

With love,

Your friend.


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