Word of the Year

Happy Solemnity of Mary Mother of God!

Several years ago I was introduced to the concept of picking a word for the new year. Jen Fulwiler has a site that you can see here and you can click on a link to get your generated word. I would always pray “Come Holy Spirit” before I clicked the link and found joy in seeing what my word for the year was!

I’ve heard of other people who pray about a word and pick a word based on what God is doing in their life. I’ve never done this method, but this year a word has been gently coming to my heart over and over.


I like to go on trips, but I’m more of a homebody. I like familiar, comfortable, and easy things.

But I can get excited for adventures. As long as I’m in control.

Control. That is the other word that has been coming up a lot. A good friend of mine spoke truth to me the other day saying, “Dene’, it sounds like you’re grasping for control in a lot of areas of your life.” Yes. That is right. I like to be in control. I like things to go smoothly, in a planned and calm manner.

And in a house of seven people, that is hard to do. I am constantly trying to find the balance of managing my family verses controlling. And it’s hard to tell the difference. What I’ve found is when I’m controlling I am focused on me: my desires, my way of doing things, my expectations for what things should look like. And I often feel anger, frustration, and anxiety.

When I try to let go of “my way” and instead surrender to the Lord and ask for His help, I change to more of a receiving posture. And then I am focused on what is best for our family. The emotion that follows this is peace.

So going back to my word of the year, I hear the Lord gently inviting me to let go of control as I keep my eyes on Him. Knowing He is in control.

“I will lead the blind on their journey; by paths unknown I will guide them. I will turn darkness into light before them, and make crooked ways straight. These things I do for them, and I will not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16

I found a lot of comfort in this passage this past summer. As a family we were going through a very, very challenging time. The words unknown, darkness, and crooked seemed to sum up what we were experiencing. I found a lot of consolation in God’s truths. Praying with this scripture in a time of severe desolation was a beautiful way to increase our faith and hope in God’s goodness and mercy.

As I reflect back on this summer and the journey God is leading my family on, I am excited for the journey ahead. I have a sense of anticipation and excitement because I know He is leading us and will never forsake us.

What is the Lord speaking to your heart as we enter this new year? I invite you to pray about a word or find your word here. And may the Lord bless you on your journey this new year!


Receiving God’s Love: Part 1


Little boy feet and Emmanuel