Little boy feet and Emmanuel

“How beautiful upon the mountain are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7

If you’re a mom of boys, or anyone who has been around boys, maybe you’ve experienced what I’ve been going through recently. Stinky feet. My one year old’s feet always smell after he wears his shoes. So I have found a very handy solution: to wash his feet whenever I take his shoes off. (Yes, I’m pretty proud of my cleverness.) And I think there is something really sweet about his feet.

So today, as I was washing his feet again, I thought about Mary washing baby Jesus’ feet. And I had a grace-filled realization. The idea of Emmanuel, God is with us, became very clear. We have heard over and over this beautiful truth: the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14) But as I was standing there, washing my son’s feet, that truth became a little more tangible. God wants to be with us. So much that He sent His Son, born of Mary, to dwell with us.

As I was watching the second candle being lit today in Mass, I realized how fast Advent is going. I have a lot of thoughts and maybe some resonate with you!

I have so much I still want to do. I don’t know when I’ll find the time.

I haven’t been doing my Advent prayer every day.

I wanted to make this Advent different than the others.

But what if we focused on this thought: God wants to dwell with us.

And not just during Advent. All the time! But Advent is a beautiful time to remind ourselves of this truth and orient our lives to live this out in our day to day lives a little better.

So I want to encourage you. If you feel discouraged or guilty for not making this Advent what you wanted it to be…there’s still time! Right now. That doesn’t mean there is still two weeks left so you can DO everything you want to do. It means there is still time to let Jesus dwell with you. Right here and right now.

One of my favorite saints, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, said, “Fill yourself a little less. Take your crucifix. Look and listen.” I think St. Elizabeth would tell us that right now.

“Take your family. Look and listen.”

“Take the manger scene. Look and listen.”

“Take the Christmas lights. Look and listen.”

And see that God is here. In the moment. Loving you. Desiring to be with you.

Emmanuel: God is with us.


Word of the Year


Creating Space this Advent